Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taking it Easy

Arabee pretty much got this afternoon off. This was tough for me, since it was close to being in the 50's in the sun! Calm breeze - would have been perfect riding weather! But, no hoof boots yet, and I need to confirm saddle fit.

So, first I measured her front hooves for the hoof boots. I then took photos of her back and a conformation photo, then saddled her for some photos of her with the saddle on. Then wasn't she surprised when the saddle came off and I didn't get on!

Then I trimmed her hind feet, which she was very polite about. I use a jack to rest her feet on, which happens to be painted red, and she gets a little red paint on her hooves each time I trim, so I wanted to wait until the paint wore off to take the photos to show you how her feet look now. I am pretty happy with her back feet.

I am glad that I'm seeing to her comfort. It is important to me that this endurance thing is a fun experience for both of us. Saddle fit and hoof fitting is pretty huge!

Enjoy the picture I posted? That's Arabee (on the left!) with Matt and Cora. Cora really enjoys animals and the outdoors.


All Who Wander said...

Oh my gosh! Cora has grown so much since I saw you at Nationals. ~E.G.

Nicole said...

Yes she has! Before I know it she'll be wanting to ride w/ Mommy! I'll be looking for the quietest babysitter horse ever known in a few years. Do they exist?